Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Read Construction Law for Design Professionals Construction Managers and Contractors Free

Trying to find Construction Law for Design Professionals Construction Managers and Contractors ?

Author : Justin Sweet
Publisher : CL Engineering
Total Pages : 720

CONSTRUCTION LAW FOR DESIGN PROFESSIONALS, CONSTRUCTIONS MANAGERS AND CONTRACTORS is a condensed -- and completely revamped -- version of the bestselling authority on engineering law, LEGAL ASPECTS OF ARCHITECTURE, ENGINEERING AND THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS (now in its 9th edition) by Justin Sweet, Marc M. Schneier and Blake Wentz. For this new book, the authors have directed the text at engineering, architecture and construction management students. Given the authors long and deep understanding of the intersection between the law and the construction industry, professors and students can trust this text is unparalleled. The addition of Blake Wentz to the author team emphasizes the commitment to the field. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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