Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Read Menagerie The History of Exotic Animals in England Free

Looking for Menagerie The History of Exotic Animals in England ?

Author : Caroline Grigson
Publisher : Oxford University Press
Total Pages : 400

From Henry IIIs elephant at the Tower, to George IVs love affair with Britains first giraffe and Lady Castlereaghs recalcitrant ostriches, Caroline Grigsons tour through the centuries amounts to an impressively detailed history of exotic animals in Britain. On the way we encounter a host of fascinating and outlandish creatures and their owners, including the first peacocks and popinjays, Thomas Mores monkey, James Is cassowaries in St Jamess Park, and LordClives zebra - which refused to mate with a donkey, until the donkey was painted with stripes.

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