Monday, April 27, 2020

Read Miladys Aesthetician Series Common Drugs and Side Effects A Handbook for the Aesthetician Free

Looking for Miladys Aesthetician Series Common Drugs and Side Effects A Handbook for the Aesthetician ?

Author : Pamela Hill
Publisher : Milady
Total Pages : 288

MILADY STANDARD ESTHETICS: ADVANCED, SECOND EDITION is an essential tool for students enrolled in advanced esthetics programs and critical for anyone serious about achieving a higher level of success in the beauty and wellness field. This new edition demonstrates Milady’s commitment to providing the most current, cutting-edge educational resources to esthetic students and professionals anxious to expand and perfect their skills in one of the fastest growing industries of the day. It responds to the increasing demand for a more robust knowledge of skin care principles and techniques resulting from trends in medical esthetics as well as in hospitality and tourism. MILADY STANDARD ESTHETICS: ADVANCED encompasses the broad areas of advanced skin sciences, including skin disorders and the updated ABC’s of skin cancer; advanced esthetic techniques and devices; spa and alternative therapies; and working in a medical setting, including plastic surgery procedures and pre- and post-medical treatments. An introductory section addresses changes in esthetics to keep the student up-to-date on the newest technology and products, plus the final two chapters delve into financial business and marketing skills vital for rounding out success in the world of esthetics. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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