Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Read The Geometry of the Octonions Free

Looking for The Geometry of the Octonions ?

Author : Tevian Dray
Publisher : World Scientific Publishing Company
Total Pages : 228

There are precisely two further generalizations of the real and complex numbers, namely, the quaternions and the octonions. The quaternions naturally describe rotations in three dimensions. In fact, all (continuous) symmetry groups are based on one of these four number systems. This book provides an elementary introduction to the properties of the octonions, with emphasis on their geometric structure. Elementary applications covered include the rotation groups and their spacetime generalization, the Lorentz group, as well as the eigenvalue problem for Hermitian matrices. In addition, more sophisticated applications include the exceptional Lie groups, octonionic projective spaces, and applications to particle physics including the remarkable fact that classical supersymmetry only exists in particular spacetime dimensions. Contents:IntroductionNumber Systems:The Geometry of the Complex NumbersThe Geometry of the QuaternionsThe Geometry of the OctonionsOther Number SystemsSymmetry Groups:Some Orthogonal GroupsSome Unitary GroupsSome Symplectic GroupsSymmetry Groups over Other Division AlgebrasLie Groups and Lie AlgebrasThe Exceptional GroupsApplications:Division Algebras in MathematicsOctonionic Eigenvalue ProblemsThe Physics of the OctonionsMagic Squares Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students and faculty in mathematics and physics; non-experts with moderately sophisticated mathematics background. Keywords:Octonions;Quaternions;Non-Associative Algebras;Division Algebras;Particle Physics;Theory of EverythingKey Features:This book is easily digestible by a large audience wanting to know the elementary introduction to octanionsSuitable for any reader with a grasp of the complex numbers, although familiarity with non-octonionic versions of some of the other topics would be helpfulMany open problems are very accessibleAdvanced topics covered are quite sophisticated, leading up to a clear discussion of (one representation of) the exceptional Lie algebras and their associated root diagrams, and of the octonionic projective spaces on which they actReviews: “This is an attractive book, with many thought provoking and novel ideas. It is also very well presented with good quality paper and typography, which make it very pleasant to handle.” David B Fairlie Emeritus Professor “This interesting book is recommended to advanced physics and mathematics students and to scientists working in differential geometry. It has a great methodological value because of the multitude of unusual advanced concepts and applications.” Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics “Anybody interested in the topics covered here should find this book to be a valuable reference.” Mathematical Association of America

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