Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Read Operation Breaking the Boy Code Free

Are you searching for Operation Breaking the Boy Code ?

Author : Poppy Moon
Publisher : YouthLight, Inc.
Total Pages : 142

This is a one of a kind 8-week small group guidance program for girls in 3-5th grades. It gives girls a rare opportunity to experience and celebrate different facets of the female community. Girls work their way through 7 exciting lessons that examine the complexities of being a young woman and the value of building a supportive sisterhood in a variety of cultures. * The League of Girls- explore the elements of a team and what it means to be a strong team member while creating a positive sense of community. * Nancy Drew- explore the importance of critical thinking skills while creating and publishing mystery stories. * Super-Heroines- discover the difference between heroines and super-heroines while crafting their own personal super-heroines to save the day! * League of Extraordinary Heroines- create in comic book form heroines that battle cliques mean-spiritedness bullies and social isolation. * Girls R Us Inc.- discuss the qualities needed to be a leader; the types of people they want to surround themselves with as personal advisors and how to grow to be the person they want to be. The program ends with a special initiation ceremony that taps members into the Girl Code Sisterhood. This rite-of-passage style ritual reveals the secrets of the group crest confidential group signals and group motto. Each lesson comes with additional extension activities for Super Counselors and high mess activities for Daring Counselors! Lessons also include a special lesson plan for individual counseling.

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